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v2.10 Mitigation Statements - User Training
V2.10 OpenRMF Professional User Training
3m 1s
Demonstration on creating, uploading and using mitigation statements with your POAM (Plan of Action and Milestones) items.
Up Next in V2.10 OpenRMF Professional User Training
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Demonstration on how to generate compliance for your system Package including how to export the information. Aloso how to go from compliance directly to the item in question to resolve the issue to improve compliance status.
v2.10 CCRI-Readiness - User Training
Demonstration how OpenRMF Professional automates your CCRI scoring based on your scoring weights you configure.
v2.10 Evidence Management - User Trai...
Demonstration on uploading and linking evidence to vulnerabilities in checklists, POAM items, compliance statements and other in managing artifacts for evidence.