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v2.11 Setup OpenRMF Pro Grafana with Keycloak Authentication - AT
v2.11 OpenRMF Professional Admin Training
See the steps to take and files to update for having Grafana login using your OpenRMF Professional access. The OVAs are already setup to do this by design.
Up Next in v2.11 OpenRMF Professional Admin Training
v2.11 Custom Dashboards with Grafana ...
This video shows how to enable the JSON Data plugin in Grafana, load data sources using the OpenRMF Professional API, and then how to create custom dashboards using the examples in our public GitHub repository.
v2.11 Setting up SAML with Keycloak a...
See the steps involved in setting up an identity provider for logging into OpenRMF Professional using SAML 2.0. The example uses Okta for SAML 2.0. Yours should be similar to this when using the SAML 2.0 standard.
Using the DISA SCAP Scanner Tool v5.10
Demonstration on how to scan machines remotely using the DISA SCAP Scanner to get compliance results to include in OpenRMF Professional.