OpenRMF Professional Administrator Training

OpenRMF Professional Administrator Training

Training for our flagship product OpenRMF Professional from an application Administrator's perspective. Learn how to setup authentication and permissions, run backups, load updates, as well as setup the external API access tokens for your users. Topics also include creating overlays and mitigations, updating and creating checklist templates as well as running metrics and viewing the backend logs for troubleshooting purposes.

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OpenRMF Professional Administrator Training
  • All Soteria Software Resources

    Review the resources for OpenRMF Professional such as our software repository, website, blog articles, YouTube channel videos as well as LinkedIn and Twitter information.

  • Installing OpenRMF Professional via Ansible Playbook

    Watch how you can use our Ansible playbook to quickly install OpenRMF Professional on your Linux operating system for Docker or Podman use.

  • Setting up OpenRMF Professional from an OVA

    See how you can download one of our pre-built OVA files to quickly make a virtual machine, run some scripts, update the login path and have OpenRMF Professional setup in minutes. Currently we have Red Hat 7.9, Red Hat 8.7, Oracle Linux 8.7 and Ubuntu Workstation 22.04 with a GUI.

  • OpenRMF Professional v2.9 Manual Installation

    This video goes over in detail how to install OpenRMF Professional v2.9 manually for docker or podman.

  • Install OpenRMF Professional in Kubernetes

    This video shows the steps to deploy OpenRMF Professional to Kubernetes using AWS EKS as the example platform. You setup your cluster, create the namespace, deploy Consul and Vault, setup the MongoDB operator and then deploy the frontend and backend configurations.

  • Setup OpenRMF Professional Grafana with Keycloak Authentication

    See the steps to take and files to update for having Grafana login using your OpenRMF Professional access. The OVAs are already setup to do this by design.

  • OpenRMF Professional Licensing

    This video shows how an application administrator can load the LIC and KEY files to active OpenRMF Professional. It also explains the license model and how to track your total allowed versus active used system packages.

  • Administrator - Setting Roles and Groups

    See how to log into the Administrative backend of OpenRMF Professional to track users, their roles, and group permissions. Add and remove roles and groups to turn on and off features in OpenRMF Professional for the user.

  • OpenRMF Professional Application Settings

    This video goes over how to set the banner text and color, turn it on and off, how to setup the consent text and form as well as filter auditing settings.

  • Tracking OpenRMF Professional Application Metrics

    This video shows how to launch the Grafana metrics and track performance of your software, your machine, and the components that make up OpenRMF Professional.

  • Administrator - Backing Up Databases

    See how you can run scripts to backup the data saved in OpenRMF Professional volumes for all databases and shared file areas.

  • Manage System Packages

    This video shows how an Application Administrator can mark system packages as read-only, recalculate the different scores, recalculate the total number of checklists, or delete them entirely.

  • Application Logging

    This video shows how the ELK stack is integrated with OpenRMF Professional for application log consolidation across the components.

  • OpenRMF Professional External API

    This video goes over setting up the external API as far as the user, roles, and permissions as well as the application key and token generation to use.

  • Setting up SAML with Keycloak and OpenRMF Professional

    See the steps involved in setting up an identity provider for logging into OpenRMF Professional using SAML 2.0. The example uses Okta for SAML 2.0. Yours should be similar to this when using the SAML 2.0 standard.

  • Configuring OpenRMF Professional with HTTPS

    This video follows the Keycloak 20 OpenRMF Professional v2.8.6 guide on updating the installation to use HTTPS access.

  • Use Keycloak 20 in the latest upgrade to OpenRMF Professional v2.8.6

    This video goes over the changes with the keycloak.v2 theme in Keycloak 20 and how you can manage users, groups, and roles much easier.

  • OpenRMF Professional and Windows Active Directory Integration

    This video shows the steps following our documentation on how to link Keycloak 20 and Windows Active Directory to pull in users.

  • OpenRMF Professional Reset Vault DB Keys

    This video shows how you can log into your machine, reset the Vault database tokens, update your .env file, and then restart the application stack.

  • OpenRMF Professional - Rekey Vault

    This is a step-by-step guide on how to regenerate the 5 keys you need to unseal Hashicorp Vault for OpenRMF Professional.

  • OpenRMF Professional - Changing Component and Service Passwords

    The step-by-step video tutorial to change the default backend passwords for OpenRMF Professional components, including MongoDB, Keycloak, Grafana, Elastic Stack, and Postgres.

  • Upgrade OpenRMF Professional to v2.8.6

    This video walks you through upgrading OpenRMF Professional v2.8.x to v2.8.6. There are updates to the Elastic Stack for logging as well as Keycloak 20 for our backend authentication and authorization engine.

  • Loading DISA Templates from

    This video explains how to download DISA public or behind-PKI checklist file ZIP packages, expand to find the XCCDF XML files, and upload to create new DISA checklist templates in OpenRMF Professional.

  • Uploading Audit Files for Checklist Templates

    This video explains how to upload the .audit files from Tenable's audit portal so you can use the same files to create matching Checklist Templates in OpenRMF Professional. Match those up just like SCAP scan benchmark results to DISA checklist templates.

  • Custom Dashboards with Grafana and the OpenRMF Professional API

    This video shows how to enable the JSON Data plugin in Grafana, load data sources using the OpenRMF Professional API, and then how to create custom dashboards using the examples in our public GitHub repository.

  • Cleaning up older software images in OpenRMF Professional using Portainer

    See how you can use Portainer after an upgrade to remove older software images, unused container volumes, and save space and memory for your OpenRMF Professional installation machine.

  • Upgrade your OpenRMF Professional v2.8.x to v2.8.5

    See the files, PDF instructions, steps, and walk through upgrading an OpenRMF Professional installation to version 2.8.5 from November 2022.

  • OpenRMF Professional v2.9 Upgrade

    This video shows a walkthrough for upgrading OpenRMF Professional v2.8.7 to v2.9 using Red Hat 8.7 and podman. It takes you through all the steps, one by one, and records the screen and what to do and how to do it following the upgrade PDF.

  • OpenRMF Professional Configure Keycloak for CAC PIV X509 Certificate

    In this video we show the detailed steps on setting up OpenRMF Professional, Keycloak and NGINX configurations to allow a CAC, PIV, or other X509 certificate to log in users. It goes over settings, configuration, creating the truststore for certificate authorities, and how to pass the information...